
The environment can be used to control the background of the planning and the global illumination.
You can reach the environment via the quick selection bar. Here you can set the following:


Load a background which can be seen e.g. behind windows or the outdoor facilities. Any 360° panorama can be used. You can set the rotation, the opening angle and the zoom level.
As default a skybox can be loaded.

Ambient light

You can control the global illumination with the ambient light. This also affects the color rendering and the reflection of the plated objects. You can use 360° HDRI data here. In addition to the rotation, you can also adjust the intensity of the lighting.
You can find free 360° backgrounds and HDRIs here, among others: https://hdrihaven.com/hdris/
You don't have to use the same file for the background and the ambient light. You can mix them.

Rendering without ambient light

Rendering with ambient light